Stewartville Public Schoolss

Stewartville Public Schools

Stewartville School District Registration Center

K - 12th Grade Enrollment


Determine if you need to fill out an Open Enrollment Application before enrolling. Look up your address to find your student’s resident district. Then go to Step 2.


If your student’s resident district is Stewartville, proceed to Step 3. 

If your student’s resident district is not Stewartville, an Open Enrollment Application needs to be submitted and approved before proceeding.


Gather Documents. To enroll in the district you will need a digital or paper copy of your student’s: 

  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Records


Enroll your student!

Please Note: Due to software limitations, enrollment cannot be done on a mobile device. If you have questions or do not have access to a computer, please schedule an appointment with our Registrar to complete the application at the school.

Registration Help: (507)533-1569

2024-2025 Fall Kindergarten Enrollment

Registration for Kindergarten will open March 1, 2024. Please follow the current year enrollment steps and indicate a fall start date in the application.

Kindergarten Round-Up is March 18, 2024. This event gives you a chance to see Bonner Elementary, meet the principal, and hear helpful information for your upcoming Kindergartener. 
(This event is for Parents/Guardians only)

For more information and FAQ, visit our Kindergarten Info Page!

Picture of students working


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