Stewartville Public Schoolss

Stewartville Public Schools


Adopted: April 12, 2010 Policy #1019.b

Subject Advancement Procedures

1. An inquiry regarding potential subject advancement may be made by a classroom teacher and/or parents or advocate to the district talent development coordinator. The request should be based on evidence of above-grade level achievement and/or ability. Parents and teachers are encouraged to share background information. Outside information and/or data (previous school test scores, independent testing results, etc.) may be considered, but district advancement will not be based solely on this outside information and/or data.

2. The district talent development coordinator will make contact with the classroom teacher, parent(s), and building principal via telephone, e-mail, or meeting. Whenever possible, this initial contact should take place by November 30 for advancement to be considered for the current school year.

3. The district talent development coordinator will oversee any additional assessments for the student, as necessary. This may include, but is not limited to:
a. End-of-year assessments in mathematics
b. District reading assessments
c. SAGES testing
d. Other applicable district assessments, if needed

4. The student should show 80% mastery of concepts on any end-of-year assessments to be considered for subject advancement.

5. A determination and recommendation will be finalized through communication with the district talent development coordinator, parent(s), classroom teacher, and a building principal. If advancement is recommended, a teacher from the next grade level should also be contacted.

6. If advancement is not recommended, plans for support and/or classroom differentiation to best support student will be discussed.

7. If advancement for student is recommended, it should take place as soon as possible. The district talent development coordinator will review the progress of the student in the new placement within 9 weeks to determine if it is appropriate.
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