Stewartville Public Schoolss

Stewartville Public Schools


Stewartville School District Graduation Requirements for students
graduating in 2008 and beyond

Whereas the State of Minnesota imposed the Profile of Learning upon the Stewartville School District and repealed that requirement in June, 2003, the Stewartville Board of Education requires the following graduation requirements for the students graduating in
2008 and beyond.

Students will complete the new graduation standards in Language Arts and Mathematics as developed by the Minnesota Department of Education and approved by the legislature in 2003. These standards are embedded in current curriculum. There are no scores, special projects or paperwork required by students or teachers. Accountability is established through the Minnesota State Tests e.g., BST — Grade 8, BST/MCA — Grade 10 Written Composition, MCA — Grade 10 Reading, and MCA – Grade 11 Mathematics. All students, including Post Secondary Enrollment Option students, are expected and required to take the tests.

Whereas the State of Minnesota requires new Graduation Requirements based on course credits beginning with the graduating class of 2008, the Stewartville Board of Education adopts the attached Graduation Requirements for the class of 2008 and beyond. Students will complete a total of 22.5 credits. These Graduation Requirements include all the course credit requirements legislated by the State of Minnesota as well as local additions. The new Graduation Requirements for Stewartvifle graduates of 2008 and beyond are subject to change resulting from District Curriculum Adoptions, Transition Conimittee work, Administrative recommendations or upcoming new Graduation Standards in Social Studies and Science.
Adopted: 2.23.04 Page 1 of 2
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